Friday, January 28, 2011
TGIF and a Booya!!!
We had a little show last night....with our little church girls.
They are awesome!!!!
I have the best job ever ;)
Jack scored some birthday money this last week and couldn't wait to head over to the toy store to buy MORE sw legos!!!
After checking all the huge ships out I convinced him to look around at a few different things (aka...not legos)
Lucky for him he did.....went down the playmobil isle and found the pyramid he's been drooling all over for at least a year ON SALE!!! and a good sale at that.
He asked if he had enough money for it and I told him he was pretty close!
"So I can get it???"
jumping around doing a happy dance saying....
"OH YA!!!
and carried a box nearly as big as him to the cash register!
did I tell you I love that boy???
whom by the now sick AGAIN!
he seems to be on a 3week cycle this winter :(
I will leave you on this lovely Friday with a few layouts
I made several months back but have totally forgotten to share ;)
This layout was inspired by the Get Picky sketch way back in October.
My little Jack jumping.
Adored this halloween line by The Girls Paperie. This is Kristen in her haunted house get up....a mad scientist...her line was Come Alive, come alive!!!!! But she's way to cute to spook ;)
Made this flower with some Jenni Bowlin crepe ribbon.
Thanks for looking and hope your Friday is Fabulous ;)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!
randomly drew a name......
and the winner is
Sunday, January 23, 2011
...and this is why!
HE is sooooooo cool!
Because he gives me moves like this when I ask to take his picture!!!
No directing's all him ;)
You want to know another reason why he is SO cool????
Cause he's FIVE now!!
I know!
Can you baby is 5!!!
He is so excited...yet still baffled as to why he can't start kindergarten NOW! All he can reason is that he's not tall enough....he needs to be as tall as his friend Katelyn (even though she's not 5 yet) which makes it all the more confusing for him, but that is what he has figured out....he needs to be taller!
A few more things to like about Jack....
*his favorite word is capiche (sp???)
*He thinks he is 7" tall
*and when I asked him how heavy he was....he said "really heavy"! ha!
*he claims to be iCarly's "biggest fan"!
*he gives the best hugs
*he likes to wrestle (come on, whats funnier than 2 5yr. olds wrestling...picture that!!!)
*he likes to dress himself...and when I tell him he should wear pants instead of shorts this is the response I get "come on mom, how many times I gotta tell you????? I don't get cold!"
*he doesn't walk, he runs. It cracks us see him come charging outta his room, around the corner, down the hall...running...and as of late, tripping over his own two feet!
*when I have to drag him shopping he'll tell me I can only buy 2 things. "k mom?, not lots, just 2"
*he tells me I'm a really good scrapbooker!!!!
I giggle just thinking about this boy.....he makes us so happy and I can't imagine life without him. We are so lucky!!! He is so good. He accepts the rules and boundaries and the no's we give him. He may mumble, but he'll just say "ok". And move on. I love that. More on his party...later!!
For now....Happy Birthday to my baby!!!
oh...and just now, he told his sister she could play with him "because he's a 5 year old"
It's the Last Day of the Blog Hop!
As usual you should have arrived here from Amanda's blog.We've had lots of fun and hope you've enjoyed all the eye candy the design team has shared with you.
Hopefully you've been picking up all the free digital elements we've been offering along the is my turn...finally! I've got one final paper to include with your kit. you can download it here ;)
And if you've been following along than you know that there is a big prize at the end for one lucky girl!!! To be entered into the drawing you just need to make sure you've commented at least once this week on each designers blog, friend the Lollipop Press blog and the FB page.
You can also get an extra entry on the drawing if you make a purchase on the website AND/OR you send friends over to the LP blog to comment (make sure they say who sent them)
Wanna know what the prize is???????
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Lollipop Press BH Day 7
We've only got one more day to go, don't forget all the prizes up for grabs, there is still time to enter ;)
You just need to leave at least one comment on each designers blog this week, friend the Lollipop blog and FB.
You can do both of those things on the blog ;)
You should have arrived here from Amanda's blog.
Like I said, my digi skillz are pretty minimal but I enjoy playing with it.
Be sure to come back tomorrow when I'll have a little freebie for ya......last but not least!
Now hop on over to the fabulous Trish...I'm sure she's got something fun to share!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Lollipop Press BH Day 6
You should have arrived from Amanda's blog.
Quick reminder: Don't forget about the grand prize being offered up....
You just need to leave at least one comment on each designers blog this week, friend the Lollipop blog and FB.
You can do both of those things on the blog ;)
There are free products being offered up daily on the designers blogs....I'll have something any day now ;)
Today's project is from Woodland Winter.....I made a notebook for my church girls. It's just a composition book I covered with a few different papers from the line and then included some twine and a label from my own stash.
Thanks for looking!!!
Now hop on over to the fabulous Trish...I'm sure she's got something fun to share!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Lollipop Press BH Day 5!
Quick reminder: Don't forget about the grand prize being offered up....
You just need to leave at least one comment on each designers blog this week, friend the Lollipop blog and FB.
You can do both of those things on the blog ;)
There are free products being offered up daily on the designers blogs....I'll have something any day now ;)
Today's layout is a hybrid from Chic and Shabby, I thought the blue looked pretty with all these pinks and greens.
Thanks for looking!!!
Now hop on over to the fabulous Trish...I'm sure she's got something fun to share!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Lollipop Press BH Day 4 & RAK!
Quick reminder: Don't forget about the grand prize being offered up....more details on that will come later in the week but it's a good one ;)
You just need to leave at least one comment on each designers blog this week, friend the Lollipop blog and FB.
You can do both of those things on the blog ;)
There are free products being offered up daily on the designers I've got a fun little RAK for ya! We'll call it a Lily Bee Prize Pack....2 lines, plus a few embellishments. This prize is available for US residents only. To have a chance at winning this just leave me a comment telling me which Lollipop Press Digi kit is your fave....go here to check them out! All winners will be announced on Monday ;)
Today's layout is from Woodland of the fun things about this kit is it comes with a photo overlay with a blue haze. I used it on the these photos of the soft dreamy look it gives to them.
Thanks for looking!!!
Now hop on over to the fabulous Trish...I'm sure she's got something fun to share!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Lollipop Press BH Day 3
Welcome to the third day of the Lollipop Press Blog Hop!
You should have arrived from Amanda's blog.
Quick reminder: Don't forget about the grand prize being offered up....more details on that will come later in the week but it's a good one ;)
You just need to leave at least one comment on each designers blog this week, friend the Lollipop blog and FB.
You can do both of those things on the blog ;)
There are free products being offered up daily on the designers blogs....I'll have something for you this week too ;) Also, be sure to come back tomorrow when I announce my RAK ;)
Today's layout is a digi one using Chic and Shabby........I can't help but play a little with digi.
I know just enough, barely.
Thanks for looking!!!
Now hop on over to the fabulous Trish...I'm sure she's got something fun to share!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Lollipop Press BlogHop Day 2!
Welcome to the second day of the Lollipop Press Blog Hop!
You should have arrived from Amanda's blog.
Don't forget about the grand prize being offered up....more details on that will come later in the week but it's a good one ;)
You just need to leave at least one comment on each designers blog this week, friend the Lollipop blog and FB. You can do both of those things on the blog ;)
There are still lots of free products being offered up on the designers blogs....I'll have something for you this week too ;)
Today I'm sharing a hybrid layout I made using Woodland Winter.....this has been one of my favorite kits! Love the colors and all the pretty papers. The embellishment pack is loads of fun too! You can find it all here.

Thanks for looking!!!
Now hop on over to the fabulous Trish...she's got killer scrap skillz!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Lollipop Press BLOG HOP!
You should have arrived to my blog from Amanda's, if that is not where you arrived from, then please join us at the Lollipop Press Blog to start the hop from the beginning so you don't miss a thing!
During this fun Blog Hop our Designers have a lot to offer along with projects that they have made using the Chic & Shabby and Woodland Winter lines from Lollipop Press.
All week long pieces to a digi kit will be offered at our DT blogs, check us out everyday to see who's got the next piece.
To add to the fun, many of our Designer's are offering up some fun RAKS on their blogs throughout the week. I'll be sharing mine in a few days ;) Just follow the hop and you'll find everything you need!
At the end Lollipop Press will be giving away a grand prize!
To enter you must do the following:
Become a follower on Facebook
Become a follower of Lollipop Press
and comment at least once on each blog.
You have until Sat. Jan 22 to leave all your comments to be entered to win the Grand Prize.
Here's a little craft I made with the Chic and Shabby line....just in time for valentines day ;)

Happy New Year to you and yours and thank you again for joining us for the Lollipop Press Blog Hop, your next stop on the hop is Trish!
If you get lost along the way - Go to the LP blog for the master list!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Because we are so cool!
Ok Jack.
Brandon, I like your Santa pajamas.
Ya Jack, I like your Halloween pajamas.
Isn't being 4 the coolest?!!!
We can wear whatever we want and nobody cares!
Though I think our moms might have laughed at us.

Hey boys.....catch the snow in your mouths!
Is this how you do it????
I don't know look kinda funny!

Jack you try it now!
You look even funnier....hahahahahahaha!

Hey Brandon, don't forget...always say capiche!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
First Snowfall
Too bad it came when the kids were headed to school.
I did get them out for a minute before we headed out though.
These pics were perfect for our January kit at the Nook.
I did a fun technique that I teach over can find it here.
(don't know why this is underlining!)

This kit was perfect for the inspiration over at Get Picky too so I made my layout with this in mind.
Thanks for looking ;)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Lollipop Press in the Press!
We are also hosting a fun blog hop next week!!! Stay tuned for some fun and free offers! Cause free is always fun ;)

Friday, January 7, 2011
One Little Word
I've thought about it.
{If you've never heard of this it's the idea of picking a word for the year that represents what you want to be/goal/inspiration for a better you type of thing. Ali Edwards talks a lot about it on her blog, you can go there to see the phenomena of it all!}
Last year I went so far as to pick a word that represented something I needed to have more of.....but I never wrote it down, or documented it. It was just the back of my mind. And actually, it served me well, it was well chosen considering the year I had. My word was faith. We've had our fair share of !&%$!! happen to us over the last several years. In 2009, For the first time I had asked "WHY??" Why do we keep getting dumped on??? Seriously, I couldn't take it anymore. I had reached my breaking point. So much of what has happened I have not shared here. Just has been extremely unfair. So when 2010 rolled around I was depressed. Was not looking forward to the new fact I'm pretty sure I posted how I felt about the new year and it wasn't really good! So I determined that all I could do was have more faith.
Faith that my Heavenly Father had a plan for me and that all these horrible things were for my growth and learning. I decided that I would go forth in faith and be grateful things were not worse. For they could always be worse. Those were my thoughts a year ago.
I'm going to put this out might make you think I'm more weird than you already do.....but I had this sense of impending doom. I felt strongly that something would happen to me in 2010. After the initial feeling I kind of let it go, I wasn't obsessed about it. Then things started happening. I had several serious medical scares. Then, as you all know, MS became the talk of my town. As difficult as all of this has been, I stood my ground. I held on to my faith that things would be ok (seriously, I was SO grateful it wasn't worse...that it was something I could(would) live with).
Don't get me wrong....there have been many tears.
I don't want this.
And the stress of it all has taken it's toll.....
Which leads me to my word for 2011. Honestly, I wasn't really planning on choosing a word. But then, it found me. I'd been thinking about what I wanted to accomplish this year. No hard core, let myself down in the end type of goals...I don't do that. But things I wanted to improve on. Things I need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for. I needed to stand up for myself and be the boss of me. When I heard this word it clicked. Instantly. I knew I had decided to play this game ;) It represented what I wanted to do in so many areas of my life.
This year I have hope that things will go well. That it will be a good year. And I also know that my actions will help in making it a good year. So after all that....if you're still interested and reading word is Stand.
I need to stand up and take responsibility for how I treat myself. Physically.
I need to take better care of myself, eat better, move more. Like I said, no set "you will do this" type goals, but just a mental mindset of what I know I need to do. So far, I've been better.
I need to stand up and take better care of my spiritual self. Those daily things I've not done well at. I've let the last few years completely break me. Kind of given up in some ways. No more. I want to be better and I'm working on it. I'm grateful our ward has implemented a goal with a strategy. I am following it.
I want to be a better mother, wife, homemaker, friend. All of it.
I am done sitting.
It is time for me to stand.

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year everyone!!! Did you realize today's date is 1.1.11??? Pretty crazy hu! I wanted to just quickly share with you a fun offer from My Scrapbook Nook. If you've ever thought about joining, now is the time. They've got some great specials going on this week for the kit club membership! Check it out! (I had lots of trouble getting this flyer to fit on my blog, so it's a little crazy!) | ||||||||||||||||||