BEfore the summer ended we made a fun little trip up to Park City Utah.
We were lucky and got a time share to stay in.
It was AHHHHHmazing!!!

and RIGHT next to this fun stuff!!!
Kristen and Jack coming down the Alpine Slide
I confess.....this ride terrifies me.
Pretty sure the people who caught up to me and then had to go slow mo down half the slide, sadly, knew it too.
Nathan and Samantha were brave little souls and did the zip line!!!!
It was crazy far up!
After they decided they weren't terrified anymore....they thought it was freaking awesome!!!!
One ride that I don't have a photo ready for...somewhere on my phone. But it was the Alpine Coaster, you get pulled up the mountain and then let go on a coaster where YOU control the speed. YOu are flying through the fresh mountain air and forest......FUNNESTRIDEONTHEUNIVERSE. Enough said.
This is Park City.
Nestled in the Rocky Mountains along the Wasatch Front. Up Parleys Canyon to be exact.
It's a quaint little picturesque kind of town, old and historic.
Surrounded by the best snow on they say.
See the grooves up in the mountains there, slopes for skiing.
Love all the color.
Main Street, filled with lots of little quaint shops and art studio's.

The kids sat down to rest for a moment on this bear bench (so of course I made them pose for a pic) those stinky faces they are pulling are the result of the garbage can nearby that they are all just now getting a good whiff of ;)
We hiked Bridal Veil Falls
Hit up the Olympic Museum (you know, the 2002 Olympics ;)

The slopes ;)
Took the kids to their favorite place and my worst nightmare ;)

Pretty sure I'm too old for that.
And no trip to Utah is complete without some time at grandma and grandpas!
Cleaning up his beet greens ;)
It was a fun week, and a great way to end the summer