Can't believe my big boy is on the verge of double digits! He is still a little boy inside with a big world looming all around him. He always has lots to say but the last few days have been especially entertaining for me.
The other day he came home from school saying he had to talk to a girl tomorrow and ask her who she liked. Apparently his friend likes her and wants Nathan to find out who she liked. He honestly can't believe he has to do this (I can't either!) So the next day he did talk to her and in his words "she wouldn't give it up". I am cracking up at this middle school behavior, and he thinks it's all so silly.
On the flip side he had this conversation with a younger friend on the way to school... Kyle said that he liked Barney till he was 5 or 6 (he's 6). Nathan's response.. "Ya, Barney can be addicting. You just have to stop yourself from watching it and learn to make fun of it." Again, crackin' up!
Some comments on food... "I hate frosting, it's the worst food ever. I don't like sweet stuff too much." ( he is maturing isn't he?)
Referring to the vanilla ice cream with strawberry syrup he just finished..."It's like a party in my mouth!"
This boy is always entertaining good or bad. We love him!!!