It always suprises my when she ends up acting so shy about something. If only people knew the real her. She doesn't let too many people see the real side of her. In short, she is the life of the party at our house and one big silly crack up, when she's in the mood, of course!
Ok, so I'm totally annoyed with blogger...it will not load one of my pictures and it's not placing them the way I am requesting...aaarrrggghhh!!
Cute pictures,I can't believe how grown up Samantha looks. The last time we saw her was 2 years ago. We need to get together.
Ahhh...that takes me back to Emily's preschool graduation. I'll have to post pictures. What a cute girl you have.
OK, tell me how to arrange pictures. I have been trying since I started my blog to rearrange my pictures without success.
Samantha cracks me up.
It's kinda scary when they are up there in front of everyone... you never know what they'll say or do. hehee.
Wow, Carol. Do you speak another language, or what?! That's pretty impressive. I wonder how that got there.
I thought Samantha looked darling in her hat. But being the fashion concious girl that she is, I could understand why she did not want to wear it. She is so funny.
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