I could use stronger language here, but eh, it's not necessary.
I will leave it at that.
Somewhere, Somehow, my sweet Kristen has turned against me.
Took her school shopping one day and this outfit here,
she about fainted she thought it was so cute.
The shirt has kitties on it, the sweater has a kitty on it.
She wanted the socks with kitties on it, but I drew the line.
Told her leggings would be better under the skirt.
I told her I couldn't believe I was spending (my husbands)
hard earned money on kitty clothes!
She apologized for that but in her sweetest little face said to me
"but mommy I love it and I can't live without it".
And because I love her, I allowed it.
The one thing I won't allow though,
is a Ziploc bag of kitty HAIR!
Yes! she came home from a friends house with hair from her kitty.
I can't have that in my house.
I will die from allergies.
Also, any school supply she could get with a kitty on it,
she chose.
Heaven help me...what WILL i do with her?????