He wanted to pull out every pop up we had (which is just a few)
He tried out the basketball one and said
"i'm not winning the basketball!"
he got tired of that so we moved on to
the Jack in the box pop up! with tunnels. He is in the same pajamas he wore all day yesterday too. Don't judge me...at least he has clothes on. It's usually nothing.
On to the next thing...Sorry I forgot I never posted the final of Jacks room.
So da da da da........presenting....the little green room.
Just the bunk beds, a rug, and his train table.
Besides that fact that there isn't much available wall space anyway.
I did buy some little doggy hooks from Ikea that I need to put up...somewhere.
Here is a closer up look at the t-shirts. I love how random they are and that I can change them out whenever I come across something I like better.
The orange wording says "I'm kind of a big deal" from the Anchorman movie. Love it.
As for Nathans makeover...the room has no new paint yet. I'm dying to get started and bum or no bum I am determined to get started by this weekend. Hey, I can stand.
As for Nathans makeover...the room has no new paint yet. I'm dying to get started and bum or no bum I am determined to get started by this weekend. Hey, I can stand.
Now lets top off this random post with a layout of Jack at the beach last year.
jack's so cute. especially with bed head!!
love that color green. great boys room color! can't wait to see what you do with nathan's room.
SUPER cute room! I love it!
I can't wait to see Nathan's!
Aaron's really into Kung Fu Panda right now too. The other day he said to me "You stink." When he could tell from the expression on my face he was going to get into trouble, he said "Its on Kung Fu Panda." Little stinker. :)
I really hope you get feeling better soon!!
Well, standing upright? We are making progress aren't we? You poor thing...hope it gets better soon. The room looks great. Love that color!
And Jack looks happy, so what else matters, right?
love jack's room and the fabric for nate's room. jsut take baby steps and you will be better soon. jack makes me laugh. ;)
His room looks amazing. You are mucho talented like that. And, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that somebody else can't keep clothes on their kiddos!
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