There is something about Sundays that inspires my children to play nice. I love it. They play all day (minus church time of course). Yesterday it was exercise time. They got all dressed up in their "work out" clothes and pulled out the power 90 dvd. Here is a snippet of their conversation I was able to record...including some horrible pictures....

Nathan "These stretches hurt."
Kristen "That's ok with me."
Samantha "Ok, I feel like I'm getting a cramp here."
Samantha "Something smells in here" as she looks at Nathan
Kristen "Ya, I'm exercising, it's probably my sweat."
I love it when my children play nice. Looks like they had a good time. Was Jack taking a nap??
how funny. gosh i love when they all just get along!
those are so pretty good stretches the kids are doing !!
too cute!
hahahaha! "It's probably my sweat" that's funny.
They are such fun kids!
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