So, I had something really special happen.
I've really debated sharing this.
Didn't want it to look like I was bragging.
But it meant SO much to me.
That I also don't want to pretend it didn't happen.
My husband gave me a gift that may just remain forever the greatest thing he's ever done for me.
It involved a HUGE sacrifice on his part.
He sent me home.
and home for me, is Hawaii.
It's where I was born, it's where I had the most beautiful childhood.
It's the only place on this earth my entire family was one.
And it's where my brother is buried.
We moved when I was 10 and I've never been able to return.
But it holds so much for me that I've just waited for the day that I would.
It all started with a trip my mom was planning.
She booked a month to stay.
Somewhere along the line Doug decided if he could, he would send me to be with her.
2011 was a difficult year on many levels, particularly financially.
But some miracles (literally) happened and at the last minute he was able to get me a ticket.
That's all I needed, was the ticket.
It was the biggest surprise.....a Christmas present I didn't see coming.
It meant him being Mr. Mom for a week and taking off work, and letting me go.
I've gone away a total of 3 times in 19 years from my husband & children.
And never for this long.
It was something I desperately needed.
And he saw that.
I love him so much for seeing that and letting it happen.
Being able to go home.....and do it with my mom, whom I adore.
Was amazing!!!!!
We walked my old neighborhood, which has hardly changed.
We visited the cemetery.
We met old friends.
We went to the beaches I remember as a child.
Oh and one of my brothers and step sister actually joined us as well ;)
How about I just show you ;)
This was the firs view of the ocean I saw...and I'll admit it made me cry.
My neighborhood...I know it as Sam's Store.....a little shop on the street where I lived. It now also houses the Hukilau Cafe
It was closed on Sunday....hence the little self portraits.
I spent some time walking around all by myself.
It's hard to express how it made me feel.
Walking the same streets I did as a child.
When you've never been able to do that,
and than you do.....there's just something about it I can't put into words.
My town.
Our home. It has definitely seen better days. And used to be all grass in front. Now it's student housing and has pretty much not had any tender loving care for 30 years. I remember laying on the grass at night....staring at the abundance of stars. Watching fireworks on the fourth of July. Having the fire truck drive by with Santa throwing out candy. Riding my bike, walking to the beach. And racing my brothers back home to see who could get to the hose first and fill the large tubs with the warm water before it got rinse off the ocean ;)

My school. It's just as I remember. That two story on the left, that main hallway is where my kindergarten class was, 1st, and 2nd grade. I moved across the yard for 3rd and 4th. I can remember playing on the playground, where I buried my necklace in the sand so I wouldn't lose it while playing. Sadly, I could never find it! I searched that sand like a maniac. What an idiot. I can also remember the little platform we would stand on for taking our class pictures outside. All the girls in flower sundresses and sandles. Some kids didn't even wear any shoes. I wore a swimsuit to school one day just because I could. And that's exactly why I wore it.
My baby brother.
I remember that day like it was yesterday.
It was hard seeing the location where it all took place.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temple.
Walking distance from my home. And we spent some time there as well.
The BYU grandfather built that tile mosaic ;)
Shopping in (Holly-eva)
Waiting for our shaved ice at Matsumoto
Hangin' at the, mom, bro.
Ala Moana Shopping Center, where my mom would take us when she wanted to do some "real" shopping. Up until Saturday I was officially declared the whitest person on the island.....until we saw someone who stole that title from me ;) I was not blessed with my mothers olive skin ;(
My brother teaching us to snorkel.....that was a barrel of laughs let me tell you!
Not my best day ;) Who knew I panic like that!!!
Bath Beach. This was my favorite place to go as a child. The natural coral reef in the back and then the rock wall created a calm, warm bath like beach. My mom took us here all the time because it was a great place for little ones to swim safely. I loved it. You won't find it unless you know where to look for it ;) It's kind of a secret only the locals know about ;)
and YES.......Saimen (ramen noodles) at McDonalds!!!!!
So delicious. As a child I didn't like hamburgers so whenever my parents took us, this is what I got. Amazing isn't it!!!!! I didn't think they sold it anymore because it wasn't on the menu. Apparently you just "have to know" ;)
This is the life.
Again, I can't express enough what this trip meant for me.
It wasn't an "oh your so lucky you got to go to Hawaii"
it was "I'm so grateful I got to go home"