it is my goal this week to post...
sit down....
for real.
I'm going to call it my week of crafting.
I've been so busy doing things and I thought I should finally share a few.
So, lets start with the man of the house!
I think he had a nice fathers day.
*Breakfast in bed
*a nap
*one of his favorite meals for dinner
*salivating for chocolate cake that he had to wait till Monday to eat, because.....
*a trip to the ER
(at least it wasn't for himself this was Nathan with an ear infection that just couldn't wait I guess)
Here he is sporting the tie Samantha made for him.
isn't he cute!
This year we gave him an ice-cream maker and this little book the kids and I made.
I'm pretty sure he loved it!
I had each of the kids write down what they loved about their dad, and then they each got a page. I got this idea and download from House of 3
if you haven't seen these guys, you should check them out. They have so many fun ideas and downloads for hybrid scrapping.
This first page has an acrylic star on it that you can't see very well, but it's what the yellow sign is attached to.
Inside the first page is a message from yours truly.
Here's Nathans page. He wrote some really nice things about his dad that we put in the envelope to keep it a little more private.
Here's his next page. Each set has the little number page in it.
Here's Jacks. For him I asked him some questions about his dad. He is funny, then I gave him a page to color a picture on. If you click on the photo you can read it.
Like his artwork????? I asked him the first time he drew jellyfish where he learned how to do that and he answered "Spongebob"! Then he threw in a hot dog down there for luck. He is just learning to draw things and his imagination is killin' me!!!! I just love it, there is nothing more precious!
This is Samantha's page. She was very helpful in making this book and was very selective in her picture choosing. (It's a lot of work going through albums and computer files to find pictures of the kids with dad!)
I love the saying on this is beautiful.
And here is Kristen's page.
She wrote her thoughts in list form so I gave her a little tag to list them on for the book.
This is the back page. A recent picture of Doug with the kids.
I had so much fun making this book. I save the cardboard/chipboard that comes in packages and scrapbook supplies and cut them to size (like 7x11 i think) to use for the base of the book. Then we printed our templates out on patterned papers and glued them to the cardboard and decorated. I might just have to make another one of these from Hof3! You should try it too!
I LOVE that book!!! What a great idea. I love Jack's artwork. Seriously, so cute! Can't wait for more posts :D
I LOVE it.
Everything about it. So heartfelt.
It almost makes me reconsider giving all my scrap stuff away......almost :)
Love that book. Gorgeous!
What a wonderful book! Love it!
This is so awesome! I love it.
You're killin' me with cuteness!! OK maybe we'll have to make those for an enrichment activity so I can actually DO it.
Super Super cute!! I can't wait to see more! AND I wish I lived closer so I could copy all your cute ideas! ;)
btw, thanks for making time for us! I had an awesome time!! It was really good seeing you!
Love that mini book---so fabulous!
I love that book!!! So stinkin cute!! Why are you always so incredibly creative?! I'm sure Doug absolutely loved it. I may steal the idea although I'm sure mine wouldn't be even close to that cute...ever...
looks like a great father's day minus the er. i love the little book too. when do you find time? I haven't scrapped since nov. it has been one thing after another.
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