Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Next Please
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Week in Review
Now for the weekend, where to begin, what projects to do!
Friday, April 18, 2008
My {big} Baby
Do you sometimes just really look into your kids eyes and take it all in? Really soak them up. I love to do that. To know for that instant that they are safe and happy and yours. I feel SO lucky to be a mother. To know that Heavenly Father has entrusted me with these beautiful spirits, that grow Way to fast. My little baby...he's not so little anymore, and it makes me sad. I try to snuggle and kiss on him as much as I can, when he's not driving me crazy with his tantrums and indecisiveness! He is my little buddy. We spend our days together. A good portion of it includes Samantha. Today we were out, shopping :), and I realized for a moment that soon she would be gone too. Off to kindergarten. The three of us have a good time together. Samantha is such a good big sister and loves on Jack and helps take care of him. His days pretty much go like this...
Once I get him settled (if possible) I crawl back into bed for a little more shut eye. Really, I got one eye open and one eye closed, cause somebodies always coming in for something.
We eventually get the kids off to school and Jack is so sweet about saying goodbye to his siblings.
He'll say "bye Nate, luf you" or "have a good day". the same to kristen and Samantha. What's funny is he'll throughout the day ask about them, or where they are. I have to remind him they are in school.
We usually just hang out in the morning, unless we have errands to run. Cleaning, playing, watching a movie (or two). He has a favorite list of movies which include Enchanted, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Little Einsteins, Peter Pan. He has thankfully gotten over his Spongebob and Pirates of the Caribbean obsession! He takes a nap in the afternoon, which is my time to play, when I can.
Once we get the kids from school they usually spend some time outside with him on the trampoline. He has come to expect this. He loves it when we get back from school and he instantly heads out back.
He's made new strides in speaking and is grasping more ideas. He's such a good talker and is really putting things together. Some of my favorite things he is saying lately are:
"Mommy, I take a bath, really hard" (that's his version of saying he wants something really bad).
The other day he threw this one out at me "mommy, chewies lalicious"
Later that same day as I was cooking dinner he said "mommy, I luf it, it tasey"
I love all this stuff he comes up with. I always think it's so sad when their language 'cleans' up.
The older my kids get the faster it seems to go by. Before I know it Jack will be off to school too. Then I will be alone. That will be a SAD day. I may just cry when that happens. Though knowing me...I'll find something to do. Until then, I'm trying to soak em' all up! I love them so much sometimes I feel like I'm gonna bust!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
9 1/2 MONTHS
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Been Workin'
A few Pics...
Here's my awesome mama and step dad; at the yummy Mexican restaurant we ate at in Palm Springs. I'm so hungry right now, this food is killin' me! (it's 11 pm!!!)
It snowed the day we were in Cedar City...can't believe how huge the flakes were
We were NOT prepared for the cold, no coats or nothing, poor Jack only had flip flops. but he played anyway.
My friend and I in Cedar City. standing at the front porch of her old house, the new owners tore the house down. Crazy! I grew up going to that house on the hill every summer. The girl in black is portraying Samantha for us...she would NOT get in the picture. That little girl is a cousin to my friends kids.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Track Break...Done
Grandma and Grandpa came to town
Watched my 2 yr old niece for the 1st weekend
We ALL caught her nasty cold she brought down with her (we still love you Olivia)
Shuttle bussed kids back and forth to friends
Took kids to Natural History Museum...that place is a little sad and oooold
Got me a new bike (yet to ride it...)
Done lots of cleaning and purging (though you can't tell by the looks of my house!)
Went shopping with too many kids
Went to 29 Palms the 2nd weekend (thats in California)
Went to Palm a street fair full of retired rich people
Found a delicious Mexican Restaurant and ate outside amongst lots of foliage!
Went on a Field trip with preschool to Smiths
Went to Cedar City overnight to visit a friend
Played in the snow
Pet and fed some horses
Cleaned some more
Had playgroup
Started some sewing projects
Getting ready for a garage sale!
Am I done yet?
I'll post pictures when my husband returns my laptop...its currently in Texas with him!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Mamma Love
I've still been struggling with finding my little corner of happiness with myself. Stress has taken over, it has sucked the life right out of me. Read recently on a friends blog about finding your passion. What's your purpose, what are you passionate about, what is your mark on the world? All those thoughts have been plaguing me. Am I making a difference, do I have a passion for anything, do I inspire anyone at all!!!??? Feeling like a big freakin' loser...that's what.
But then mamma comes along. We sat in the hot tub one night, till our skin turned into prunes...and there, she grounded me. She asked me the one question I'd never thought of. "Where else would you rather be?" "What else would you rather be doing?" Nothing. I've got everything I've ever wanted. To be a mom, to stay home with my children. To have a man who loves me. I've never dreamed of having some big career. I don't need the "world" to approve of me. Only my family is who I need approval of. They are the ones I need to influence. They should be my passion. In Gods eyes, what I do with them is what really matters. They are my purpose, and in this season of my life, they need all my focus. It doesn't mean that I give up on myself, on my goals, on my hobbies. They are part of what makes me, 'me'. My passions may not be gigantic and influential, but they make me happy.
My mom, she makes me feel like it's ok to just be me. I don't have to be some big fabulous person who everyone loves and admires (pretty sure I'm not!) I think I matter to those that matter to me. And that's good.
I still wish I had more time to scrapbook (I'd have to say that's my passion, meager as it may be) it makes me breath, to relax, it regenerates me. So it's important to do these things. But as usual, it happens when I can squeeze it in between parenting, and cleaning, and blogging, and stuff. My life is good.
I just need to remember that!
I just neeeeeeeeed to remeeeeeeembeeeerr thaaaaaaat!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Rest