Congratulations are in order for this little sweety. She tried out for the Honors Choir in school....and she made it! This is the first thing she has ever had to try out for and she wanted it B A D! The look on her face when she jumped in the car after school was priceless. Beaming from ear to ear. I am so happy for her!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This One...
He's a piece a work I tell you!
Keeping my on my toes, driving my crazy and making me totally smile!
The kid loves movies and is starting to repeat phrases...
the newest one (and I DID NOT know where it came from till I asked the other kids)
Helllllooooooooo gorgeous!
WOW! we hit muthload! (really says we hit the motherload)
Just imagine that one coming out of the mouth of a 2 year old....h.i.l.l.a.r.i.o.u.s!'s from Alvin and the Chipmunks.
This kid is SOOOO obsessed with Halloween I can hardly STAND it!
Constantly...all day asking "get ready for Halloween" "i wan Halloween"
"can we have Halloween" "i get ready for Halloween?"
"'s Halloween, I get ready?"
Have YOU had enough yet???
Last night we bought a big ugly black spider to hang outside for decor.
I overheard Jack having this conversation with it....
"Hi spider. How you doing today?
You feel good? I love you spider."
My other problem with him...he found 3 Christmas presents I had purchased for him. Whaaaa????? Now before you go thinking "she's already Christmas shoppin?????"...i have this friend who had some stuff.....nuff said!
There's gettin' nothing past this kid. The others, could totally fool them...they'd forget about stuff the second it was outta there sight. Could totally shop with them. N.o.t. Jack.
He now has a few new pirate toys! One thing I picked up for him was a small Buzz Light year coloring pack. He was tearing into onto the way to school the other day. It's teeny. 6 small markers, a very small coloring book with like 10 pages, and a strip of stickers. Now the funny thing here is Kristen. She's checking the whole thing out and going on and on about what a nice present that was. "Wow....that is a really NICE present." "I mean really nice." "Look, it comes with markers, a coloring book...and stickers." "That is really nice."
Note to self...Kristen is easily impressed!
Here's what Jack decided to do with ALL the stickers. He's even showing them off for us in the pictures.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Remember that BIG mess I was organizing????
Well here it is....
see that BIG desk....loooooove it! (add a little tune when you say that :)
Now i can make an even bigger mess! Yay.
Also stole this little shelf from my bedroom (who really needed it in there anyway!)
Filled it with all kinds of lovely ribbon jar (don't worry...I also have a whole drawer FULL of ribbon on spools too...tee hee hee...) blank books, button jars, pkg. alphabet stickers, some stamps. Love it, it's all within reach.
I also have on the desk some drawers with my chipboard and.....lots of other crap.
Next to my desk I have a shelf, on top I put some of my mini albums.
Aren't these jars cute...found them in my pantry with some old herbs in them (who needs herbs!) I've got scrap supplies to stock!
Here's my adorable basket I found at Tai Pan in Utah, filled it with fun stuff. Also a basket with more alphas and rubons and stickers...and stuff.
I am so loving my new found space, on this shelf you can barely see here I have all my paper in baskets and again...lots of stuff.
see that BIG desk....loooooove it! (add a little tune when you say that :)
Now i can make an even bigger mess! Yay.
Also stole this little shelf from my bedroom (who really needed it in there anyway!)
Filled it with all kinds of lovely ribbon jar (don't worry...I also have a whole drawer FULL of ribbon on spools too...tee hee hee...) blank books, button jars, pkg. alphabet stickers, some stamps. Love it, it's all within reach.
I also have on the desk some drawers with my chipboard and.....lots of other crap.
Next to my desk I have a shelf, on top I put some of my mini albums.
Aren't these jars cute...found them in my pantry with some old herbs in them (who needs herbs!) I've got scrap supplies to stock!
Here's my adorable basket I found at Tai Pan in Utah, filled it with fun stuff. Also a basket with more alphas and rubons and stickers...and stuff.
I am so loving my new found space, on this shelf you can barely see here I have all my paper in baskets and again...lots of stuff.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
These Two....
NOT sooooooo innocent!
They totally pulled the wool over my eyes the other day!
They'd been playing and laughing A LOT.
Next thing I know Nathan comes up to my room and tells me that
Samantha laughed so hard she wet her pants. Ugggghhhhhh.
She was waiting for me in the kitchen to come help her.
Soooooo...of course I go down to assess the situation and decide
on a plan of attack.
Put down a towel for her to stand on while I disinfect the "area"
Then tell her to take off her pants (which are all wet right down the front...where they "should" be!)
She protests that as I continue to clean. Nathan is standing on the stairs laughing. Me...clueless.
Finally with Samantha refusing to strip down she calmly tells me
"mom, it's water. Nathan poured it on me so we could trick you."
She's being so calm about it I first think she is just tricking me to not have to undress.
But then Nathan comes down laughing...
"We totally tricked you MOM!"
Samantha DID NOT wet herself
So the big puddle i disgustingly cleaned up
2 down...2 to go!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
just a visual...
Feeling A LOT like this...
after meeting with my trainer for a little (or a lot) of this...
(and NO that is not my hot bod working out on a beach in Vegas!)
been going to the gym for over 2 weeks now
still waiting for the hotness to bust out!
1 post down...3 more to go for the week (KIRSTEN!) ;)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Blog Loser...
that's me...big time blog loser.
But here's some pics of our Labor Day weekend.
We took the kids to the mountains to hike around a bit. They haven't done that much (maybe not at all...) and so on the way up the girls are kinda freaking out about the hiking and they don't want to fall off the mountain and what about snakes and bears, and all kinds of scary things.
We are laughing and bit saddened by the fact that our girls have NO idea what we are doing to them. So sad that our kids don't really know what it's like in the mountains.
Of course once we get there they quickly realize that "hiking" is really just walking on a trail, not climbing up the side of a rock face!
They had a great time exploring and being goofy. For the next few days after that Jack constantly asks "i go mountain?". They all loved it and we will make it a point to get them up to the mountains more often.
Nathan eating his sister!
Friday, September 5, 2008
You know you've lost a few brain cells when your making your kids easy mac & ramen noodles for lunch and you put the ramen seasonings in the mac noodles.
You know it's time to clean out the freezer when you put a soda can in to give it a quick chill n' slush and then FORGET about it. And your husband finds it that evening when he opens the freezer to find exploded diet coke frozen to EVERYTHING! picture that one in your mind...
Other than those things...I'm doing great. Haven't forgotten my kids at school, or lost my keys (although I did just break my key remote, wondering if I can super glue it together???).
Along with the kids new year I now have a new goal myself.
Met with a trainer this week and hopin' to get this body in shape. The plan is to go to the gym every day after I drop off Samantha at school. So far...I've made it 2 days this week. Not exactly off to a rockin' start.
I've decided I can't take the chaos in my scrap room anymore and the only economical thing I could think of was to just get a BIGGER desk. Hence the new 6' card table I shoved into my car today. Now....just gotta move all my crap so I can get it in and reorganize it all. Actually, doing all that is loads of fun for me.
Had a fun Labor Day weekend, saw some mountains, saw some some great pictures if only I could get them to download. For some reason it wouldn't work last night. Will try again after I get my scrap room put together. Gonna go do that NOW.
In honor of the big mess I have to tackle here is a sampling of my tenzy tiny desk. Don't be fooled by the clearing on the desk, it rarely looks like that. Aaaaand a layout. Enjoy.
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