That the very morning that my computer crashed I was starting an online account to back up my computer.......
yes, you heard me right.
My computer was NOT backed up.
10,000 + pictures, journals, downloads, actions....not backed up.
I'm an idiot.
I know.
To say I was freaking out was an understatement.
Thankfully, my computer guy came right over and took it away.
He didn't call me for 3 days.
I was resigned to having lost it all.
I didn't :)
He did say that had he not gotten it so quickly, when it started to crash...he wouldn't have been able to save it.
I'm SO happy.
I've promised the first thing I'm going to do is back it up.
That will be an easy promise to make.
I kinda was freaking out a little.
The other funny thing about that day...
I was needing to turn in a scrapbooking assignment on line...something getting published in a scrap magazine. It was a stressful day.
So I had to install a few programs on my kids computer and start working from here.
Anyhow...because of that I do have a few photos at my fingertips here in the playroom.
SO i'll introduce you to my Christmas present......
Isn't she lovely???
Our playroom has looked like a trashed college dorm room for over 5 years.
I was over it.
We'd always talked about doing this in here...but just never got around to it, never felt we could afford it.
But now we had Ikea up the road and I was certain we could come up with something affordable.
I never dreamed it would be this fantastic!
Everything fits!
Everything is organized, off the floor, out of plastic buckets
off old rickety book shelves.
We even were able to move a lot of stuff from another shelf downstairs that we are getting rid of. We freed up space in our linen closet.
We even were able to move a lot of stuff from another shelf downstairs that we are getting rid of. We freed up space in our linen closet.
I could go on and on!
Then we got an nice new desk for the computer.
Popped it with these shnazzy red chairs.
Found these awesome cloth covered buckets from Home Goods for a lovely price!
They hold gobs of toys and come in several sizes.
This big one's got ALL the little people stuff (excluding the big sets obviously!)
Found this clock at HomeGoods too.
a classy slip cover on it.
Also found this shaggy yellow pillow at HOmeGoods.
The space above the couch will hold a large canvas
print of the fam...if I ever get around to ordering it!
Will also add some new photos to the self.
This was the of much concern to her when we
took everything in the room apart.
Where???? was here stuff going to be??
All I need to to do now is make some cute valances...that is when I find that perfect fabric!
We are also thinking of getting a big rug for the room to finish it off.
That will come when the perfect one comes along!
If you've made it this far in the post...than thank you!
You are a survivor!
Hoping to get my computer back soon, back it up
and start printing some of those pictures! :)
Happy Friday...think we will be seeing The Lovely Bones tonight.