I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday! I don't know about you but I am exhausted! All this celebrating is hard work isn't it!
I've got a couple of winners to share with you today and a few layouts of this months Scraptastic kit.
First off, the winner of the "This Life Noted" kit & stamp set is:

Wowsies! This is an AMAZING collection....really generous...I follow...I'm commenting:):)!!!!!!!!!!
This may look like one simple little picture here, but it says SO much about my daughter!
Her spunky little personality and her most favorite things! Pretty much right there on one foot ;)
Another single shot of my girl. There is so much bundled up inside her....I can't even grasp it all! She is only 3 here and that look on her face kills me. She just looks so grown up.
And....here she is again ;)