Anyway the manufacturer for the product line we had in our kit this month found out about our kit and posted a bunch of our layouts on their company blog......
check it out :) Crate Paper Blog
It's very exciting for me :)
Speaking of are a few more layouts with this months kit from My Scrapbook Nook
I dug out some old pictures that a friend took of Nathan and I when he was little, like 4. I did a little layout about him being the first born...and how he made me a mom. I always try to include a little journaling in my layouts, to give them more meaning.
Another set of oldies but goodies....Samantha when she was like 2or3. Always sticking her fingers in her mouth when she was nervous or shy....she still does it today. 5 year later. I love it.
It always amazes me what little traits they have when they are small that carry over as they grow.

A fun group shot of Kristen's birthday party earlier this year. I liked the eclectic mix of product for this hobo page.

One and him. Ahhhhhhh.....sweet hu! These are pictures from our trip to Charleston in 08.

Right now my room looks like it's been hit by a tornado. Scrap crap everywhere, piles of washed fabric laying around, waiting for me to do stuff with it. We're boxing up some files and reorganizing document junk and stuff. Stuff for our activity day mommy daughter night laying around. It's a mess.
Somebody should really clean it up!
We'll see ;)