I have to admit...I do LOVE this pic of Jack. It's so him and how he feels about having a picture taken. Just wish I could get more than this out of him!
I decided to move the kids to a different location to see if I could get any more out of them. As we were walking over both Samantha and Jack could not keep themselves off the curb and outta the rocks....and what'ya suppose happened????? They both fell at the same time!! Both screaming and crying and asking to go home. I was about to blow my top! So frustrated!!!
I took them home and bribed Kristen (big time) to come back out with me. She's a sweetheart and we had a lot of fun. I appreciate her willingness to work with me! And she's agreed to cooperate with me on any more assignments I have. (obviously she sensed how frustrated I was!)
Now I just need to find me a photo shop class so I can do a better job at editing these bad boys.
oh the frustration when no one wants to cooperate!! haha. love those last 2 of kristen!! and i love that wall behind her. you'll have to share. haha!
Kristen looks adoreable! Great pics! I'm glad you like your class.
Those pictures were definitely worth all the frustration. They are amazing...even the top ones.
Kristin looks great! LOVE the pics!
These are adorable.. Good Job missy!!
cute pictures. i love the one of jack.
I can imagine your frustration but those photos are REALLY great. . . Your Easter photos are lovely too. I'm sorry I'm so behind with commenting on your blog. Our internet connection has been really lame since we've moved. . .It's doing good now though!!
. . .and Kristen looks so cute with braces!
I love them all! Kristen is so cute in her braces. It's still so weird to me that they start braces on eight year olds. She is a natural model. You're lucky to have her cooperate at least.
Great job! I never have willing models either. Jackson's not even bribable. I desperately need a photoshop class. The community college near me offers one but I just don't have the time. Another thing on my wish list!
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