Just a little trip down the COLORADO RIVER!
It was for all the 4th grade GATE students.
There were about 32 kids and then chaperone's.
Doug was supposed to go with her, but we all know
that didn't happen.
We had a good time together and spent like 4 long hours
on the river. We stopped on a beautiful white sandy beach
for some lunch. We made several stops along the way, checking
out other beaches, little water falls and the like.
This crazy bridge is going up over the Hoover dam.
It's incredible to see up close & huge! All cement, HOW do they do it?????
Our tour guide pointed out a porta potty sitting up at the very top.
The kids thought THAT was hilarious!
Me and my baby girl! It was a beautiful HOT day and
Kristen can't stop talking about it.
Blake fishing with a stick and weeds.
Looks like you had a BLAST!!! Bet you're glad you went, huh? Cute pics. Thanks for getting some shots of Blake. What did she think she was gonna catch with weeds???
That looks like so much fun. Mommy and daughter times can be so sweet. I have been trying to comment on your blogs, but blogger has been giving me an error message. Crazy thing!
So fun! I love going on field trips.
Jason has done that with the Scouts. Looks like a fun time!!
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