It's kinda weird.
I've lost all my original settings and have to redo everything.
But I got all my files back...except ALL my downloads.
Need to find out if my computer guy has those somewhere.
Hope so.
Anyway...having come back from the brink of destruction,
I've spent some time on some pictures that I had and put
in a BIG OL' order of prints at Costco.
I took the girls out on a little adventure to old downtown...
aka: the hood, a few months back.
They were ok with most of our stops, but at one possible location
they stated with a bit of apprehension in there voices
"we're not getting out of the car."
So we didn't'. But overall we had a lot of fun.
I told them to wear whatever they wanted and do whatever they wanted.
Here are a few of my faves.
this one has a sunkissed action on it
this ones got an urban action to it.
The rest of these have no actions on them
The rest of these have no actions on them
cause that's part of what I seem to have lost.
bummer dude.
Jack had a little birthday in January (need to get on those photos)
We've got another birthday coming ;)
I've been painting (does it seem like I'm always painting something??)
It's been nearly 6 years, so a repaint of the downstairs is in need.
My cabinet is next in line...gonna get that baby finished here soon...i promise!
For my sanity, I've squeezed in some scrapbooking here and there.
Here are a few layouts I did a few months ago.
I actually loaded these and a ton of others onto my flikr photostream
if your curious to see more ;)
Some old pictures of Kristen
Love those pics. What a fun mother-daughter thing to do. I love that they chose their own clothes. Bet it feels so good to get all those pictures ordered;) I really need to do the same thing.
Glad you got your computer back! I just ordered a new one. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get it! I check on it 3 or 4 times a day. It's not getting here fast enough.
Cute post. Happy birthday to you. Hope you have a great day. :)
PS I am feeling better.
Those pictures are perfect! You do such a good job! I love the outfits they chose, such pretty girls.
Carol, when are you going to start doing photo shoots for others? We need family pics so bad! It has been almost 3 years since we had one. I love Heather's too but she is a little expensive for me right now. We'll be your guinea pigs. I think you have great talent!
You have been busy! Just glad you didn't make them get out in the scariest part of town! LOL. I love all the pictures and baby pictures are my very favorite. I LOVE them!Glad you got your computer back!
Your girls are so beautiful! Great pictures!
I just got an external hard drive a month ago and have been backing up everything. I'm so glad you were able to recover most of your files!
the pictures of the girls are just adorable.
It was so good to hear from you.
Thank you for responding.
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