Saturday: Day of Departure
Grandma falls down our stairs in the middle of the night and spends 4 hours in the ER. Broken foot and elbow. She soldiers on and we leave Saturday as planned.
Sunday: 1st Full day
Samantha is up half the night crying. Take her to the ER early and find a raging ear infection (I can't remember the last time she had one of those). Exhausted, we soldier on to Sea World as planned. Child is heavily medicated and ready to she thinks!
We did have a good time in Sea World. It was not busy and we did everything we wanted. Nathan loved the Atlantis ride and went several times.
Met up with cousins for dinner after and had a great time.

Monday: Off to Disneyland
The happiest place on earth. Except for the fact that it was TONS busier than I had expected.
The park was beautiful with Christmas decor. It was our first time at Christmas. The castle was amazing day and night. Kids had a great time. Jack LOVED it all to say the least. He spent the remainder of the week saying "ride?" "I go ride!?!"

Tuesday: Disney again...with early entrance
Thought we'd be smart and get in at 8 and go straight to Finding Nemo ride whose lines were always an eternity. Everyone else thought that too. At 8:30 am the wait was already 35 minutes. Uggghhh. We left Disney by lunch and went to a glorious Disney California with very little other people. Saw the High School Musical parade. Rode everything. Samantha has decided she loves roller coasters. Love her excitement and craziness!
Wednesday: The Beach
Took it easy. Slept in. Went to the beach. Did 7 loads of laundry in our miniature washer/dryer in our fabulous apt. style hotel room. Brace for another day at Disneyland.

Thursday: Disneyland one more time
Not as busy today, thank heavens! Had a super fun last day. Hit both parks again. Took Samantha on Splash Mnt. She loved it! Got soaked to the bone. Had to buy her new pants in Disneyland!
Almost made it without further incident. But since we started the trip with a bang why not end with a bang! Poor grandpa fell on the way out and got taken to the little Disneyland ER/First Aid center. Someone should have taken a picture of our sad little group that night. Grandma hobbling, grandpa in a wheel chair. Stroller with screaming baby. Followed by exhausted children.
I keep laughing about the craziness of it all. But we really did have a good time and the kids loved it. It made their track break! Have tons more pictures but they are trapped somewhere in Doug's new camera that I can't seem to load from Adobe. We'll figure that out later.
Now I'm trying to catch up on Christmas. Is it really next week? Agggghhhhhhhhhhh............
Wow, Sound like a full week.
I wouldn't trade the week for anything. I had a fabulous time and loved the time spent with everyone. I don't think the kids even knew that I was hobbling !
It looks like everyone had a great time! Definitly a memorable trip :) It was nice to see you guys.
I'm so glad you guys had a good time! It looks like the kids were in heaven and Pat is a real trooper! I really can't believe all the ER trips.
I'm impressed with your energy--so many parks and four kids. You're awesome!
Oh man what a week... not one you'll forget anytime soon...
glad you all still had a great time!
Wow! Definetly a trip that you will never forget. One of those remember when....years from now.
Glad you had fun despite all of the accidents. I LOVE that picture of your kids on the beach. So sweet.
Great pictures! Here's hoping you don't see the inside of an ER for a very long time!
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