Friday, May 30, 2008
Really...I'm still here...barely...
Celebrated Nathans 11th birthday
Celebrated 15th wedding anniversary
Had a date
Decided to paint the girls room (finally) that sucked up 3 days of my life, but looks fab!
Still going to swimming lessons EVERYDAY!
Preschool graduation, and swim party after
Kindergarten registration (that after I stood in line for an ETERNITY was told I didn't have to, they already had my daughter assigned because I got kids in school already) thanks for the heads up SCHOOL!
Huge 5th grade report due for Nathan that we literally had to do TWICE (or was it three times). He spent hours on my laptop doing his report than something went HORRIBLY wrong and when we went to finish it up and print...the file WAS GONE!!! Corruption all over the place. Had to redo his report than still couldn't print it and sent it all over the place, no one could pull it up. Ended up having to buy a new printer at the last hour and the three of us spent the night putting it all together. That took up 5 good afternoons and evenings of our lives.
Too many appointments and transferring of kids and cars between Doug and I
Oh ya, Arrow of Light award for Nathan
Father and Son Camping Trip
I'm sure there is more but that's all my brain can remember at the moment, but to top it all off our little darling is getting baptized tomorrow!
I've got gobs of pictures to edit and post someday.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I No Swim More!
Those were Jack's words after his first lesson. He cried the ENTIRE time. It was sad to watch him cry, yet do everything she told him too. Though after, when he was still crying, I asked him if he had fun. His answer, through tears, "Yup".
Monday, May 19, 2008
Dougs (kinda) Excellent Adventures
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Birthday Girl
The birthday girl had a great day (and weekend)!
We started off her day with cinnamon rolls for breakfast and let her open a present. She got just what she wanted. How exactly does one get the wrapping paper off, but not the ribbon. She's got some skillz! Now if she could just get the top off!
Here she is modeling her new, big feet.
That night after dance we had dinner and cake.Her choice for dinner: crepes
I spent an hour at the stove making these bad boys, 23 of them to be exact!
Here's the recipe, if your interested, they are DELISH!
1 3/4 c. flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1 T sugar
1/2 t. salt
2 c. milk
3 eggs
2 T butter, melted
1/2 t. vanilla
Mix dry ingred., stir in remaining, beating with hand mixer till smooth. Pour scant 1/4 c. of batter into heated, non-stick skillet (6-8") immediately rotating until thin film covers entire bottom. Cook till lightly brown then turn and cook other side. (i spray Pam occasionally on the pan).
Butter, cover in sugar or jam or syrup and roll. The syrup will just fall out, so...maybe cut like a pancake!
Kristens favorite is granulated sugar and butter.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
1} She loves to be SURROUNDED by her things. Her bed is always covered in pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, you name it; and she sleeps amongst all that! She is the BIGGEST pack rat ever! She still has her valentine box and cards from kindergarten, along with lots of little pieces of papers and things, whether they are broken or not. (all this actually drives me crazy! but it is her)
2} She is very sensitive. Her eyes fill with tears at the slightest little thing, though she tries super hard to hold them back. Her feelings get hurt easily. (Which her siblings tend to prey on :)
3} She LOVES Hershey bars....and Ramen Noodles
4} She is SUPER crafty. Loves to scrapbook, take pictures, make lots of little treasures (that she can't ever bear to part with)
5} She's a very smart girl. Gets straight A's and LOVES to play school, all the time, much to her sisters dismay.
6} She is a social little butterfly, loves her friends to death. Wants to be involved in everything.
7} She tends to be good at everything she tries. Loves to Dance, sing, read, craft, and is now a world class burper. Thanks to some training from her little friend Blake :)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Elvis is in the HOUSE!
Here he is in a ALL his glory. He actually did a good job. Was a good singer and really got involved with the audience. The kids loved it. Some of the grown ups loved it (a little too much). Pandemonium broke out every time he walked through the audience to throw out scarves!