Those were Jack's words after his first lesson. He cried the ENTIRE time. It was sad to watch him cry, yet do everything she told him too. Though after, when he was still crying, I asked him if he had fun. His answer, through tears, "Yup".
But after only 2 days...he changed his tune. Now he's saying "I go swimming lessons?"
And this is our happy little camper now. He had fallen asleep in the car on the way to his 3rd lesson and when I woke him up I asked him if he was ready to go to swimming lessons, he said half asleep "Yup, I sure am". Now he is asking everyday to go. He loves it and I am amazed at what he is learning.
His little flippers and goggles crack me up.
What a cutie. I can't believe he is talking so much! I need to see him soon (and you too)!!
Jack is so cute! Sorry about your hubby! Cheepers ~ I scrolled down and read that stuff! I could of given u some pain meds. Call me next time! April
he is so cute!! make sure you get a close up picture of that cute face in his goggles!!
Go Jack! What a difference a few days of water makes. I love the little swim goggles :) BTW do yours actually work ?? My kids' goggles are always filling up with water, then they end up with dry chlorine eyes. Poor Doug...I couldn't even tell at Pack Mtg.
what a cute little dude. i love the goggles too.
That is so cute. Can you believe he is big enough for swimming lessons already? Poor Doug and poor you. Hope everyone has a beeter day.
what a cute little swimmer you have on your hands :)
I'm dying to get Soren into some swimming lessons!
. . .and about Doug, I'm glad he's OK and that you are both lighthearted about his recent mishaps. I guess that's the way to deal with stuff sometimes. Laughter is so therapeutic! . . I can't believe he almost cut off his finger! So glad he didn't!
That's so cute! I need to get Jackson in swim lessons. We spend so much time in the pool and he doesn't know how to swim yet.
I hope Doug is feeling okay. That boy needs to take it easy!!
How cute! I am constantly amazed at how well he talks!
What a cutie! I want to see a close-up with his goggles on too.
Took Claire there last year. She too cried the whole time the first day, then something magical happened the next day and she was swimming by the end of the lessons.
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