A little someone in our house turned 3 on Friday.
SO glad the camera was nearby when I walked into
He has been walking around the house playing with
these rails for the bunk beds that are being moved into his room.
As i walked in he was putting his buzz slippers on the ends
and began "pumping iron"
Way to start the day right, buddy boy.
He was a little shy at the singing. But secretly loved it, I know.
pick his nose at the same time!
"How old are you Jack?"
A music pirate card...I think he digs it!
The opening of presents was VERY serious business.
A music pirate card...I think he digs it!
The opening of presents was VERY serious business.
In his new pajamas...thanks Grammy!
Its a bird,
It's a plane,
It's Super...spiderman!
Again the posing...all his.
Again the posing...all his.
We had a really fun day as a family. It was all about Jack.
He had been waiting a long time for this day. He was super excited
and loved all the candles, the cake, the ice cream, the cards, and the presents they were just a nice little bonus.
Whenever someone asked him about his birthday and what he wanted, all he ever answered was "i get candles... i have cake"
And can I just say...we LOVE this kid!
He is hilarious.
I can't get over the stuff that comes out of his mouth.
He is a bullet in the house
Always on the go, running every.where.
Doug and I are always looking at each other and laughing.
He is a super sweet heart and a big stinker all wrapped up in one.
We never forget how lucky we are to even have him.
3 years later, and we still talk about how close we came.
happy birthday to your littlest dude. glad he had a great day. i would be happy the cake too.
Happy birthday Jack Jack! I can't believe he's 3 already!!!! That is just ridiculous. Where does the time go? I'm glad he had a fun day. Olive Garden sounds really good right now.
Happy Birthday! What a cute little dude he is. What do they say.... threes are worse than 2's?
he's such a cutie pie!
happy birthday to your little guy.
love the concentration on his face trying to get those 3 fingers up.
So glad you had a fun day. He sure is a cute boy!
Holy cow!! 3 already??? Wow! I can hardly believe it. Happy Birthday Jack!!
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