until a little someone :) reminded me of it today.
I guess since it's not quite done, I forgot.
So here it is.
I LOVE how the paint job turned out.
Love the colors we went with.
Now those, I had trouble deciding on.
And as it was, i was worried until it was done
whether or not I would like the blue.
The orange is perfect! Just the right color.
The stripe is *&%itchin!
I love how it looks with the bedding (from CB2)
It's all so grown up looking, in a teenagerish sorta way.
Here is the desk and shelving unit we bought at Ikea.
Here is the desk and shelving unit we bought at Ikea.
(actually its probably best that I didn't post this right away, cause my anger with Ikea has waned)
My complaint with them is this (and you out a town shoppers....listen up!)
So we bought everything, transported it home, finished up the room and THEN opened up the boxes. The bookshelf...had a HUGE hole on one of the beams. Now understand, we were putting it all together that night. We were READY to finish up the room.
No can do now. We need to get this replaced. So I scour the online sight looking for assistance. Sent an email to cust. serv. The next day get a response telling me I have to contact the store I bought it at. So I do. Tell them we need a new part or set sent to us. They seem to ignore the fact that I told them I live 6 hours from the store and made the trip up just to do our shopping. They happily said "we're so sorry for the inconvenience (sappy sappy sappy) just return it to the store and we'll be happy to replace it for you". Um....didn't you hear me! I can't just return it!!!! You need to mail it to me, whatever.
"Maam...we can't do that. You have to bring it in." arrrggggggghhhhhhhh.....
there were some other suggestions made, but nothing that worked so to make a longer story shorter here's the gist of it....
I said FORGET IT! "Doug! just put it together as is and we'll make sure that big ol' hole is in the back! It just wasn't worth a trip up just to replace it and we weren't going back up to Utah in the time the receipt would require the return.
So to top off the bookshelf disaster....the cute wood boxes we saw (& bought) on display with (what we thought was our shelf) don't fit! Too big. To say we were livid with it all was an
understatement. So instead of the cool boxes he now has a few plastic buckets instead...arrrgggghh.
So there is my consumer warning....if you purchase from them, you better check your stuff before you leave town. Even though they ship, they WILL NOT if you purchased in store!
So anyway...here is the shelf and desk. It really is a great system for him. I wanted so bad to get my hands on it and arrange it but it's his. He wanted to do it himself. See that big ol' junk bucket up there (he's never gonna sort through)...i so would have put that down under the desk! And he was way excited to finally have a place to display is growing array of trophy's!
We haven't put up any decor yet, though I have some huge magnet boards I'm gonna repaint and put up. We also have this awesome little crewel work piece from my mom that matches perfectly. It's totally from the 70's...she recently framed it up nice and gave it to him. Cute hu.
I love that he got out his Jesus picture and put it smack dab in the middle of his desk.
We've had to remove the closet organizer in his room to repair it so his closet is completely thrown up all over the place. His nice new room has pretty much been a disaster since we put it together!
Oh my gosh, this was a super long boring post for a room reveal!
If your still here, thanks!
ps...i leave for St. George (1 1/2 hrs from Vegas)....in 3 days!!!
if i could type the sound that being giddy makes....i SO would!
I LOVE IT! Orange is my 2nd favorite color (brown is #1). I am heading down to IKEA in Cali in a couple weeks. I am picking up that same chair you got him in a swivel (lime green). I will remember to check the box! Nice job. I love how it turned out! Lucky boy! I mean guy, dude, man...whatever!
I REALLY like what you've done!!!
I think it looks really great and it came together wonderfully. I love IKEA...I so wish we had one close to us. :( I'm pretty sure the closest one is in Chicago like a million hours away. Anyway, I love the orange strip and the room just looks so big boyish! Awesome!
Love his room. I still need to do Becky's. I just have no modivation.
that turned out awesome carol!! love his bedding and the strip and the ikea furniture. (sorry that was such a headache) you did good!!
I love, love, love it! You have an eye for color! It turned out soooo good! Where did you get the bedding? CB2? What is that?
Love the room.
Have fun in ST George, you MUST post what you scrapped and bought! :) I hope you are going to Tai Pan and Real Deals, those are fun home decor stores. You'll have to call to see what REal Deals' hours are, as they are not open all the time. Just a couple days a week, I think. But worth it. :)
awesome! It all came together so nicely.
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