We were super lazy, super piggish, and NOT super productive!
We stayed up way too late every nite and slept in plenty long in the mornings.
We ate lots of junk. I only cooked dinner twice. It. was. lovely.
I, personally, drank lots of diet coke.
I did not scrap as much as I thought I would.
Maybe I was just slow and un-inspired, but I only got 4 layouts done.
Here they are....
I actually spent a lot of time just snuggling with Jack.
We have been on a Harry Potter kick around here and
he has been wanting to watch them with me.
That boy is just growing up WAY too fast for my comfort
and I want to soak up whatever babyness is left in him.
We also built lots of scary castles, played pirates, knights, trains,
and did lots of swimming.
The girls played barbies to their hearts content, had many a singing & dance shows and made LOTS of messes.
I had a little partner (or two) in bed with me all week.
Which is just fine by me. I love snuggling with my kids
and really....aren't they just the sweetest when they sleep???
We did a bit of school shopping as well. Took the girls out
to get ALL their bloody supplies and a first day of school outfit.
It didn't look like I bought a lot of stuff but the bank account says otherwise!
Amongst all that fun stuff I did manage to purge 4 garbage bags for the DI.
Unfortunately, the playroom aint lookin' ANY betta!
It was a fun week but we are SUPER glad to have our boys back.
I'll report on them later.
Sounds like a fun week. I like to have a chance to have the kids sleep with me when John is out of town. They take turns and I get to spend one on one time with them. Soaking them up while they will still let me. I can't believe my baby will be 10 next year.
sounds like just what you needed. benny would like to think he is still my baby at 9, he always will be even though he is a giant. glad you had a great week. when do you get your car back??
That sounds like fun. It is too bad we are not closer so that we can share the Girl's Week with you. Hope the kids are excited for school.
That sounds like my week- well except the cute scrapbook pages and well I don't remember cooking at all..... wait there was that night I put corndog nuggets in the toaster oven- that counts, RiGhT???
Sometimes a girls week (plus Jack) is just what you need!
I would have to say that scrapping 4 pages is SUPER productive. :)
Sounds like so much fun! I always bring my kids in bed with me when hubby is away. I love to snuggle them. :)
I've gotten rid of 3 big garbage bags of clothes from my closet and I still don't have any free space. I have had to buy a few things but no where near that much. I just don't get the physics of it!
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