She had not been feeling well on Sunday but we totally thought it would pass.
It ended up being a rough night for her (and me) and come Monday morning it was clear school would NOT be happening. It was a sad thing I tell ya.
Missing the first day of school...who wants that?!
We ended up at the doctors that morning to find she had a sinus infection.
She got on antibiotics and was a new girl come Tuesday morning.
(2nd grade)

She's so happy to finally be at school (which I'm sure won't last long)

This one here....he's been asking ALL summer when school will start. He's in his 2nd year of preschool and NEEDS the activity. He gets sooo bored at home. He was all grins for me in the morning and was hammin' it up for the camera, which doesn't usually happen.
When we got to his school the mood quickly changed. He sadly realized that he wasn't going back to the same preschool and there were not any kids that he knew. He cried when he told me he wanted is other teacher and his other friends. It was a sad thing. I felt so bad that he wasn't with his friends....but that is another story and it was not what I had planned, but it's what ended up happening.
He did better on the 2nd day and I know he will have fun and make new friends.

For this one, 3 weeks of summer was WAY too long!
She simply can't stand to be out of school.
She also, apparently can't stand to have her picture taken.
This is all I got, one shot and she walked away.
Though she gladly posed for a shoe shot, since for her these are the coolest things since lined paper!
(5th grade)

He, not so excited for school.
Not so excited to have a picture taken.
Can ya tell?????
He looks pained, doesn't he?
Despite his indifference, he did have a good day.
He seems excited about some of his classes and
he's got lots of friends in them.
This is his last year in middle school.
I can't believe he'll be a high school next year!!!
(8th grade)

Geez a high schooler next year?? How sad is that. What cute little kiddos. Kenzi missed her first day of school in 1st grade. It was a sad thing. Love the shoes!!
Thank you for commenting on the OA blog today!!!! I appreciate your kind words!
when did nate grow up? Glad that Samantha is feeling better.
Your little guy is soooo cute. Glad to hear everyone is off to a good start (even if the start was the 2nd day rather than the 1st) :)
missing the first day of school just stinks!! poor thing! everyone looks good in their back to school outfits though. :)
i'm so glad summer is over! haha...
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