We finally were able to go on our long awaited Disney Vacation. We had been planning this trip for like 5 months. Were supposed to go for Halloween, but some big things got in the way of that plan and we had to reschedule for December. It turned out great actually. The weather was beautiful!!!
It's one of the funnest vacations we've had I think.
Here's a not so little recap ;)

First day....first ride. Nathan taking Buzz Lightyear quite seriously ;)

Do you think he looks happy?????
Waiting in line for Pirates of the Caribbean...couldn't get there fast enough!

This boy has been asking for years when he would get to go to Disneyland again!
It was the best watching it all through his eyes.
I told Doug...this will be the last time that Disney will be this exciting for any of our children.

We hit up Universal Studio's.
I thought it was SOOOO fun!

The character meetings were so much easier than Disney.

Took the back lot tour....I thought it was really cool.
Here are a few houses from Wisteria Lane

I don't know who's house is who's, but another Desperate Housewives House.

Have you seen War of the Worlds with Tom C.??? They have the whole airplane scene still set up....it was pretty cool.

They had a Grinchmas Theme going on.
Isn't this Whoville Tree so cute!! We stayed for the lighting of this....the star of the cable show True Blood was there.

The Grinch....he asked me if ALL these kids were mine...then told me maybe I should get a hobby....hee hee heee.
The next day at Disney land was THE BEST!!!

Jack couldn't wait to see the Star Wars show. It's all he talked about. Talked about "when he got to teach his lesson" Ha!
I almost cried when he got called up....he wanted it so bad and I knew he would be devastated if they didn't choose him. He's a serious fan I tell you, and just look at that boy.....he took his training very seriously!

Getting ready to take on Darth Vader...too bad Darth Mal is in the way the whole time :(

The host dude was really cute with the kids.

Jack getting his diploma. Probably asking the trainer "am I a Padowan or a Master???" He was very concerned with the rank he had earned ;)

Her very most favorite ride.....evah!!!!

The castle!
I realized I didn't have a whole lot of pics. of just Samantha. But that girl! She's a m.a.n.i.a.c.!!!
Loves the roller coasters. The wilder the better! Loved Screamin' California, and the Tower of Terror! Oh and Splash Mountain....she's a wild one I tell ya (and I always knew it)!!!
Our last day we hit the beach before heading home. It ended up being the coldest day there, but that does not stop children from playing in the ocean!

Oh how I love this girl. Always beaming ;)

A little pose for mom.

and then I saw this.....beautiful.

And last but not least......proof that I was there ;)
Sounds like you had a GREAT time. Love the pics and I'm a bit envious. I wish we could go with our kids! They would love it! Too bad it's so far away from Sweden.
those are adorable! But... I don't believe you were there- not enough proof. ;)-
Beautiful pictures Carol. We love Disney too. Looks like you guys had a Terrific time. I'm so wishing I was there too.
Wishing you and your family a Very Blessed Christmas! :)
How fun!! Next time you're in town we should try to meet up.
I'm glad you had a good time. Love the ocean pictures. I can never get enough of those. Y'all have a Merry Christmas!
Looks like you guys had a blast. I love how excited Jack was about the Star Wars thing. Too cute!
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