No more lounging the morning away then racing to get ready, stuff down some lunch and still be late for 1pm church. Pathetic, I know! Then home at 4pm, debate whether or not to put exhausted baby down for a late nap, try and fix dinner before we've had too many snacks cause we're all starving to death, and pretty much the day is done for.
Today it went like this...Up and ready for church, on time by the way! Home at noon, enjoy a nice lunch, put baby down for a good nap, kids off to play...and for me, an afternoon of scrapbooking. Ahhhh, so glorious!!!
Oh, and we all basically changed into pajamas for the rest of the day.
Here's a little look at the boys on this day.

Nathan with his new best friend...ipod

Like his brother, Jack has found his love for pirates.
A little earlier than Nathan did, but love is in the air!
It must stem from our Disneyland trip. He calls the pirates
ho's (like yo ho...I know what you were thinking!) and the boat is "ship".
Thank goodness we are not lacking in the pirate play around here.
Sounds like a fabulous day. I like to scrapbook on Sundays too.
1:00 stinks! We alternate between 9 and 11. We meet at 11 now which is so much more doable than 9. We spend the day in our jammies too.
I'm so glad you like your new schedule (esp. because it last a year)!
We start at was a hard day. I miss 9am. Lucky!
We start at 9am and we are BACKWARDS! Sacrament is last. I can't stand it! I hate it so much we haven't even been in about 6 weeks. I'm ashamed and embarrassed, but I can't seem to get past it.
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