We had a great time celebrating Jacks birthday this weekend with grandma and grandpa. Two is simply not enough, so here are a few things I love about this boy.
1. His obsession with Yo Ho's (pirates) and Mickey Mouse, hence the pirate/mickey theme party
2. The way he talks, emphasizing certain words with that low, growly, drawn out voice
3. How independent he is. Loves to help himself in the fridge and cupboards (not necessarily a good thing) Likes to drink out of a regular cup instead of a sippy
4. That he has learned to bounce on the big bouncy balls, he is barely tall enough but has figured it out somehow
5. That out of the blue one day he said "I want PIE...long pause...PUNKIN pie" don't know where he came up with that one!!!
6. That when he sees the Target sign, and when we go in he says "I want hocgog" (that would be hotdog) even if it's 9:00 in the morning.
7. That all he has to hear is the word Costco and we get "I want pittha" (pizza) It only takes one time for things to stick with this kid.
8. That despite my best efforts, he is proving to be left handed
9. That he asks for hugs and kisses when he goes to bed
10. That he is ours!!!


You would think by the look on Nathan's face that he is completely surprised by what he sees. That would be HIS present to Jack.
He's going pro any day now!
Jack likes his "birthday (pause) CAKE" as he puts it.
What a beautiful baby and sweet little boy. I love two years old. They're so much fun!
He is one cute kid... happy birthday jack!
Happy Birthday Jack!! Looks like a fabulous party.
Happy Birthday Jack!!!! I can't believe its been two years!!
He's such a big boy.
Love how he is talking so well.
It's cute.
Glad you had a fun party and that Grandma and Grandpa could be there.
Just wondering how Doug is doing? What's up with the word verification? You didn't have it before.
He is so cute and so lucky to be in your little family! That is the funnest age...busy but fun. Enjoy and happy birthday to Jack:)
p.s. Hope that the surgery went well yesterday. Keep us updated!
What a happy boy! Happy Birthday Jack!
Happy Birthday, Jack! He's so cute :)
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