I'm still scrapping all. the. time.
Lately, I've been pulling some old pictures and scrapping them.
It takes me back.
Makes me long for those easy and beautiful days of childhood.
I miss having little ones.
Granted, mine are still little...but my youngest is 4.
They're not THAT little anymore.
I'm always trying to absorb the moments with them.
I know someday, I'll miss them like they are right now....little.
One thing I love about scrapbooking...it allows me to throw some love
behind all those pictures. To share how they make me feel, how much
I love them. Each page is like a little love letter to my family. I may not always
journal on every page...but i really try to.
I've adored these pictures of Kristen for like...7 years now.
I finally scrapped them. She was a flower girl for her uncles wedding.
I made that little dress for her and I thought she was so big.
But now...oh my goodness, such a tiny little thing!
Makes my heart ache!
(this photo removed for publication)
I love how precious and tiny this page feels.
Those little baby parts. I remember the day we took those pictures.
Seems like yesterday and a lifetime all wrapped up in one.
This little girl...just makes me happy and crazy all at once!
I love those long legs with just enough chub at the thighs ;)
Can't I hold her again???????

Now these were pictures I never thought I'd scrap.
I used to not think they were "good enough".
But I've kinda gotten past that.
Just look at those amazing faces looking up into the sky....
they're soooo little!
Dang, I sure had a lot more to say about some little ol' scrapbook pages than I thought I did!
Here comes Monday!
It's gonna be a wild week!
I've got several dr. appts. and it's recital week...busy busy busy ;)
love all of those... you have a great style!!
You are so talented. I always love your scapbook posts because of the way you talk about your kids. You can feel how much you adore every little thing about them. They're so little in the kite pictures.
Your scrap pages are beautiful. You will be so glad to have those. You have a gift for that stuff. Have fun with your crazy week. I will be at the recital Friday night. I don't know which one Kristen is in :)
cute pages. hope things go well with all the doc appoitments. we have a crazy week too. what happended to the lazy days of summer.
So cute! I love to look at old pictures, especially of my kids. Your kids are lucky to have such a good mamma!
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