"I don't want to wear the hat", that's what she said when she walked out for her preschool graduation. Said it several times in fact, for all to hear. She calmed down until it was time to stand and say her part. She wouldn't stand. She said "I want to take the hat off", teacher told her she could take it off after she said her part. She just sits there, won't budge. Finally I tell her to take off her hat then say her part. Off goes the hat then as slowly as possible she stands and mumbles her part. That's my girl!!!
It always suprises my when she ends up acting so shy about something. If only people knew the real her. She doesn't let too many people see the real side of her. In short, she is the life of the party at our house and one big silly crack up, when she's in the mood, of course!
Ok, so I'm totally annoyed with blogger...it will not load one of my pictures and it's not placing them the way I am requesting...aaarrrggghhh!!