They got pierced. A few weeks ago actually. I realized how bad I have been at posting about my kids. A lot has gone on with them. Samantha has been begging to get them pierced for a very long time. It's funny to me how much she loves the bling. More than her sister. The day we went to do this I was planning on doing both girls. Before we even left Kristen got chicken and said she would wait till she turned 8 to get them done. Samantha asked again if it would hurt and I told her not too much. She was worried but was not backing down! Here she is sitting in the chair waiting. Doesn't she look happy???
She braces herself just before the prick
After both ears...I guess it hurt more than we thought!
After this, Kristen announced that she would NOT be getting her ears pierced when she turned 8 (which is in a few months). The chick at Claires was good and fast. Samantha had barely got out her first cry before she had the 2nd ear done. She was quite upset for awhile, but did manage to pick out another pair of earings to wear when she was done with these. They are a pair of pink guitars, now that's my girl!
That is so sad. That picture makes me want to cry too.
~Well when I was little my dentist (a friend of the family) He pierced my ears...with a huge needle! yeah! But of course I thought it was worth it! She will be so cute w/her new "BLING"! April
I cannot stop laughing!! Way to go Samantha! I want some guitar earrings too. You earned 'em!
Cute! Brave little girly. I had Brooke's ears pierced when she was 6 months old...I didn't want to deal with the drama and maintance when she was older.
Your daughter is beautiful!
OUCH!! Shannon and I went to get ours done at the same time and after I got mine she backed out. I almost didn't get the second one done!
This is really more for April--I know you don't know me, but it was funny for me to read your comment. I too was pierced with a huge sewing needle (by my dad)...He would numb our ears with ice, put a huge cork behind the ear lobe, then push the sewing needle hurt less than the gun! Carol, love the pics of Samantha!
What a brave little soul! I bet she is still glad she did it and that it's over. . . I think she looks like Kristen in that photo with her eyes closed. . . and pink guitars. . .too cute.
Leslie~ Yes the ice works!! My sister did her own w/ice and a needle or safety pin!Crazy Girl but she was young!
oh.. those pictures make me really nervous to take grace. we for sure would have to go somewhere that could do both ears at the same time... because i know she's gonna freak afterwards.
Okay she looks so brave. I changed my blog address, so I it is I think that is how it goes.
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